Sitting Eyes Open

Yoga With Anil

Explore The World Of Yoga With Anil


Join Anil for yoga classes to improve internal well-being and holistic health, built around the personal needs of his students. In his classes you will learn and practice yoga asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), relaxation methods, and meditation techniques. Anil’s approach to yoga follows the principles of Maharshi Patnajali to guide individuals to higher consciousness.


The Hindu concentrated on the internal world, upon the unseen realms in the Self, and developed the science of Yoga. Yoga is controlling the senses, will and mind. The benefit of its study is that we learn to control instead of being controlled. Mind seems to be layer on layer. Our real goal is to cross all these intervening strata of our being and find God. The end and aim of Yoga is to realize God.


About Me

Anil Kumar was born in India and has completed his P. G. Diploma in Yoga and Masters in Yoga and Certified in Food and Nutrition, receiving training from many learned Yogic teachers.  He has been teaching Yoga since 2001 in various organizations including the Indo-American School, Vivekananda Yuva Kenda, Ayursukha, and is the current Yoga in-charge of Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama in Visakhapatnam, India where he lives. (1)

My Expertise

Asanas & Pranayama

Experienced in Teaching all types of Asanas, Pranayama and Breathing techniques

Meditation Techniques

Experienced in Teaching different types of Meditation techniques like Music Meditation, Breathing Meditation, Zen Meditation etc.

Kriyas & Bandhas

Experienced in Teaching all types of Kriyas for Internal Cleansing and Bandhas for Rejuvenating the body and mind

Therapeutic yoga

Experienced in Preparing different yoga modules for different types of diseases and disorders, Counseling on Food & Nutrition and Better Life

customized modules

Experienced in Preparing Customized Yoga modules according to individual’s need, and age, Combining Asanas with music

Experience Meets Expertise

Having Experience of more than 20 years in the field of Teaching Yoga, I strive to be a professional yoga instructor with continuous learning skills to solve modern problems and diseases through the practice of Ancient Yoga and to spread Yogic Life and Indian Philosophy to the all sects of people in the society.


Are You ready to start the life changing journey..?

Let's Join hands